Tags: productivity

Giving F1 key more action

Visual Studio is the software I use and care about the most and so naturally I tend to customize it to meet my needs better.

One of the more recent customizations is mapping F1 to SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument action. So far I’m very happy with this. F1 is getting a whole lot more action now than it used to. Try it 😉

Keyboard mapping options

ILSpy plugin to copy Fully Qualified Type Name

Long ago when evil dudes from Red Gate started charging for Reflector an open source alternative called ILSpy emerged.

Like original Reflector it’s very useful for searching classes and methods inside of assemblies.

In projects that I work on we use Unity IoC and we do configuration fully in XML. This of course can suck monkey balls when it’s necessary to map 5 or more interfaces to their implementation which means copying class, interface, namespace and assembly names for each on of them separately.

Being lazy and optimizing close to everything I do, I wrote a small plugin to help with generating fully qualified type names and published it on GitHub (I _LOVE_ GitHub!).
Simply drop all files from Bin folder into ILSpy; find what you need and copy the type name.

